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Incremental Wellness Program

Incremental wellness is just that, healthful change one incremental step at a time.  Some people decide to make changes after a significant life event others just realize that it is time to take care of themselves.  Getting to a big goal involves achieving many small goals on the way.  Your goal may be to reverse your current disease process (hypertension, diabetes, obesity, vascular disease) or as simple as to not to feel as “blah” as you usually do, or maybe you want to decrease the number of medications you are on.  Maybe your goal is just to live longer healthier life.  Whatever your goal may be, MiHealth incremental wellness will help you achieve it by using sustainable steps. Simply ask yourself,

                               Is my current path taking me in the right direction or does it need some tweeking?” 

How Our Program Works

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Our Virtual Clinic

As a patient of our virtual clinic,  we will help with lifestyle modifications.  We will be there to guide and coach you through the process into a healthier life.  

Although we will discuss your medical problems and treat them from a functional lifestyle medicine perspective, we do not manage your medical problems or write prescriptions.  This is the role of your primary medical doctor.  We are more than happy to update your primary doctor and advocate on your behalf, but there needs to be one captain of the ship and that is your primary doctor.


As with all doctors offices there are consents and paperwork.  We have 5 consents: HIPAA, Consent to treat, Consent to Access Your Medical Record, Remote Monitoring and Consent for Group Visits.

In addition, there is the initial medical and lifestyle form so we can get to know you better.


Getting to Know You

Now it is time to get to know your team.  You will schedule an initial  phone call with our team to further describe the program and answer questions.  We will e-mail you a list of technology to obtain (Fitbit, BP Monitor, etc.)in order to monitor your physiology as you progress through the program.  We will include instructions on downloading  the MiHealth app onto your phone.


Virtual Doctor's Visit- 

Our physician with meet with you for an initial evaluation to discuss the good, bad and ugly of your current state of wellness.  They will discuss how incremental wellness can help improve your current health, help set realistic goals and expectations and create a wellness plan for our staff and coaches to follow.


Introducing your Coach-

You will have a consultation with your personal health coach and create the roadmap to a healthier life.  Your coach will be in touch guiding you and cheering you on as you go through the program.


Optional Nutritionist Evaluation-

Although your coach will be able to guide your through the basics of good nutrition, some people require more intense counseling which only a nutritionist can provide. 

Working the Plan

We use AI assisted analysis called BioAnalytica and advanced derivative technology of standard monitoring equipment (FitBit, iWatch, Pulse Oximeter, BP monitor and scale) to analyze and monitor your physiological response as you evolve from one level to the next. Our coaches will review your progress as we guide, encourage and support you throughout the weeks and months.


Using the same app based technology we can guide you through nutritional changes as well.  By simply taking a photo of your meals, our nutrition coaches can give you meaningful feedback. No looking at labels, counting calories, fat grams etc. No foods are off limits, so you will not have to give up the foods you love. You will naturally find that you are changing your nutritional habits with little effort.


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What are the costs?

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